Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jenny from the Socks

Anche se fatico a capire il motivo delle sempre più numerose interviste squallide di Vanity Fair Italia (Nadia Macrì? Magari intervistare qualche personaggio un tantino più interessante, magari una donna che NON è stata a "cena" ad Arcore. Una certa Natalie Portman l'avete sentita nominare?) devo dire che mi sto innamorando della copertina di questa settimana:

Even if I find that Italian Vanity Fair has recently begun to slip dangerously into the bad-taste area when it comes to interviews (I couldn't care less about some minor "actress" who's mainly famous for dating a politician or soccer about interviewing some interesting women for a change? Ever heard of Natalie Portman?), I must say I'm falling in love with this week's cover:

...e tutto solo per le fantastiche calzette Miu Miu di Jennifer:
...all because of Jennifer's amazing Miu Miu socks:

...vuol dire che ancora si possono trovare da qualche parte? Magari anche a metà prezzo? No eh? Ho esagerato?

...does this mean I can still find them somewhere? Half off, perhaps? No? Went too far?


  1. They are delicious! Perhaps they look slightly too encrusted to me though. I wouldn't want socks that made a jingling noise when I walked..

  2. Tea: never thought of the fact that they might jingle. Hmmmm.

  3. Dear Sasha;

    I am a socks and accesories designer. I will do my best for you in this issue;)

    Please visit;


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